Chairman’s Report 2023-2024

John Hulbert gave a very comprehensive report summarising the past months and all of last summer. It had been a difficult year with shops closing and building work at the new museum leading to a drop in visitor numbers and then a number of stewards resigning after Covid.  An Open Day was held to recruit stewards and to publicise the Friends which was successful bringing in several new stewards and Friends.  The Friends were also involved in the Appeal Launch which is trying to raise over £2 million pounds for essential repair work to the Kirk.

Dr. Katy Jack, General Manager of the museum gave and excellent talk to the Friends in February and they are keen to work with the Kirk and promote visitors.  We have retained our 4 Star rating with Visit Scotland  but they are to be closing down the Quality Assurance scheme and we do not know what will replace it.

The cockerel is back in the Kirk having been repaired and regilded and a major effort is being made to raise the necessary funds A gilding Master Class run by PKHT was held in the Kirk in April.

The museum is attracting many visitors and this has led to a significant rise in visitors to the Kirk.

Andrew Mitchell is producing a new edition of Through a Glass Brightly – the illustrated booklet about the windows in St. John’s.

Sadly progress over the St. William has been non-existent but negotiation with the Birnam Players is taking place now.